Stargazing in 2013

Stargazing in 2013

Yes, I realize that it is the end of February! I meant to share this earlier in the year, but life has a way of thwarting me sometimes.

Here it is at last, though. Maybe we’ll all catch some of the light shows for the rest of the year!


Caturday in the Kitchen

It’s that time again.  A day of rest, relaxation, pampering…

Who am I kidding?  It’s only a week until Christmas!!!  And I have a list at least a mile long.

I don’t see how Santa does it!  😛

We are going to the Alley Theatre this evening to see “Santa’s Naughty Diaries”.

Now, I realize this is the time of year for Dicken’s Christmas carol (which we have seen at least 6 years running), or the Nutcracker Suite (which I danced in for several years, and then went every year for 10 years at least).  So, I’m a bit tired of traditional Christmas entertainment.

Thus, we will be seeing the ‘Naughty” for the first time.  I hope it’s hilarious.  This time of year, everyone needs a good laugh!

AND…another holiday requires holiday food.  So today, I’m letting our feline friends take over.  Kitchen Kat has a posse it seems.  😛

Have a great Caturday!

Christmas Caturday next week!

Christmas Cake

With Christmas just around the corner, I thought today I’d better get busy.  I decided that this would be just the thing to share, as I’m sure we are all experiencing the anticipation and excitement of this time of year (along with the stress).

This cake has a bit of a kick, as it has BOOZE in it!  NOT for the faint of heart…

Begin by sampling the Cuervo to check its quality.  Pour 1 ounce, and drink.  You may add salt and lime.

If the BOOZE meets with your approval, beat 1 cup butter until it is light and fluffy.

Add 1 cup sugar, and continue to beat.  Check teh tequila again to make sure it’s still OK.  🙂

While the mixture is creaming, check tequila.

Turn off mixer thingy.  Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl.  Stir well.

Have a bit more BOOZE!  It’s Christmas by golly!

Chuck a cup of dried fruit into the batter.  Whatever kind you like will be just fine!

Pick the friggin’ fruit off the floor.  Mix on the turner, and put the fruit in there.

Sample the Quervo to check for tonisisticity.

Turn the nister on low.  If fruit gets stuck in the beater, just pry it loose using a splatula,

Then, sift 2 cups salt, or something together in a small vole.

Check the Quervo.

Now shift lemon juice and strain nuts.

Add a stable of sugar or whatever you fine.  Greashe the oven at 350-.

Turn the cake tim and flour.  Try not to fall over.

Don’t forget to beat off the turner.

Finally, throw the bowl out the windoer, and finder the Quervo.  Try not to trype over the kat.


Candy for Grownups

Or for me. 😛   But I’m trying to do a bit of a better diet for the next couple of months, so I’ll try not to eat them all!

I find few things as close to perfection as the combination of pecans, caramel, and chocolate.  And with all the candy out and about lately, I decided to make some at home.

I might try to be more artistic with the chocolate next time, but today, the point was, “how do they taste?”  Will they still that little voice in my head telling me that I missed out on Haloween because I didn’t go nuts on candy?  No pun intended there, but I’m a little nuts too just now!

Grabbed a package of caramels at the store.  The last package.  The one I had to get down on my knees in HEB and reach all the way to the very back of the shelf kind of stuck in the crack back there package.  People were staring.  I NEEDED caramels.

Safely at home, I unwrapped (tedious)…

and melted the caramels (easy)  in a Pyrex bowl in the microwave.

Took a couple of minutes, with plenty of stirring in between minute 1 and minute 2.

That beautiful Granny Smith apple back there is for the caramel apple Rat Boy asked me to make.

Stir in the pecans.  Plenty of them.  I used 2 cups of large pecan pieces, and another cup of smaller pieces.  I did Rat Boy’s apple first, so I wasn’t  working with a full deck  a full bowl.  😛

Stir until the pecans are well coated.  It’s sticky and gooey and just marvelous.

Melt chocolate in the microwave for the next layer.  I decided to go with milk chocolate chips.  Easy to melt…not patient enough to temper chocolate.

I used half a bag.  Drizzled the chocolate off a teaspoon onto the pecan clusters.

Let them cool of a while on a silpat or parchment paper.  They are VERY sticky!

That’s Rat Boy’s apple over there.  He’s too old for trick ‘r treating these days, but still wants treats.  🙂

I just had to get closer to the deliciousness.  And then taste a couple…still warm….I think I died and went to Heaven!  Briefly.

Chill them in the fridge for about 2 hours, and the chocolate will set up.  You can keep them at cool room temperature (and eat them) until your candy cravings are banished!

Or mine.  That might be never though.

Maybe that wouldn’t really be such a bad thing.  I did only eat 2!  🙂

LOL  Frogs and turtles….

NOTE:  To chill, use a layer of wax paper if the silpat won’t fit in the ‘fridge!  Otherwise, you’ll need a chisel to get them off the plate.  Unless you just want to hold it up to your face and lick them until they are soft enough to slip off!  😛

Banana Walnut Waffles

Sunday morning I decided to treat Hubby and Rat Boy nicely for a change to breakfast, so I pulled out the waffle iron and made waffles…not from mix!

Also, I set the grill on fire Saturday evening.  And Hubby didn’t say a thing.  😛

They were delicious!

I even got some.  😀

And while it wasn’t effortless, it was certainly worth the small amount of effort that it actually took!

I need larger bowls, though.

In a large bowl, combine 3 cups flour, 1 tbsp baking powder, 1 tsp baking soda, 1 tsp salt, and 1/4 cup packed brown sugar.  Wisk to mix and break up the sugar.

My bowl is pretty full already…

In another bowl…NOT SMALL…whisk together 4 eggs, 2 tsp vanilla extract, 1/2 cup melted butter, 2 1/2 cups buttermilk, 2 – 3 bananas, and 1/2 cup chopped walnuts.

I started to get a little nervous that all of this was not going to fit into the large bowl I was using.

I also ran out of buttermilk, so actually used about 2 1/4 cup buttermilk, and another 1/2 cup skim milk (which was the only other milk I had).

Combine wet and dry ingredients all at once, and stir until just mixed…a few small lumps are okay.

I was stirring VERY carefully!  😛

Ladle onto the heated waffle iron…

I cooked these on medium.  I love my waffle iron.  Technically, it’s Hubby’s, as I gave it to him for his birthday 2 years ago.

It is a very smart waffle iron.  It dings when the waffle is done, so I don’t have to time it!

They really smell wonderful while they are cooking.  I ate one as soon as they were done.  (Had to check and make sure they were all right!  :-P)  The recipe made about 5 large waffles.  We ate 4 of them. They were scrumptious!

I don’t usually like maple syrup on waffles, but the banana walnut flavor really complemented the maple flavor.  I put all my bananas into the batter, but some on the top would have been nice, too.  Strawberries would be good as well.  😀  Needless to say, I’ll be making them again…in a larger bowl!

Manic Monday

Early this morning, Hubby and I set off on the motorcycles to ride to Angleton, Texas.  It’s not really a long ride, just about an hour, and fairly scenic through pastureland mostly with a couple of small towns on the way.

This is not something we would normally do on a Monday morning.

Thursday last week, when he was on his way out the door to work, Hubby mentioned that he had received a jury summons.  He wanted me to mail it back.  It was for today.

After he was gone, I noticed that he hadn’t signed it, which was a requirement for exemption.  After he got home, I had him sign it, and prepared to mail it Friday.  Then I noticed the date.

Obviously, it is all my fault that the USPS cannot deliver mail to the courthouse  that is mailed on Friday morning, and which needs to be received before Monday morning.  Especially since the courthouse is closed on weekends.

So dropping it off this morning seemed to be the only option.  I did suggest that we simply call, but that would perhaps be TOO easy.

Thus, I saw the foggy dawn arrive and then surrender to a gloriously bright blue sky.  Glorious, because it finally cooled down from the 100s into the 80s and 90s.  tomorrow it is rumored to be in the 70s!

Now it’s 1, and all I want to do is have a nap.

I really don’t care that yesterday was the actual day after Caturday.  We got up at 5:30 and went to the airshow.

So really, this fits today.  And this is exactly what I’m going to do.  For a while anyhow.

Then, I will create business cards for Groovy Noms, the catering company!   😛  (play superhero music in the background)

It’s not just a blog anymore…


I saw this, and immediately thought of Aggie!   Aggie is my hate-couture consultant, ya know.

I’d just wear yoga pants all the time!  Or PJs.

Food tomorrow.  I promise!

A Day in My Life

Yesterday I planned to get an early start finishing up some brownies and cookies that Mum needed for a luncheon today.  When I stumbled into the kitchen, in search of caffeine, I found instead…

Thousands of the little bastards invaders.  They were boiling out from under the cabinet in the corner, and making for the trash. I did have rib bones in the trash, but I’ve never seen anything like this.  Actually, I didn’t see them at first, I stepped in them.  😦

They then made their displeasure known in a way only biting insects can.

As I hopped around the kitchen swatting at one foot and then the other, Hubby passed by and asked what I thought I was doing.  I answered that obviously, I was practicing yoga.  He nodded briefly, mentioned I should try not to hurt myself, and moved on.

After disengaging the ants from my body, I went to battle with the 409.  I don’t have any pesticides, but this product will kill ants, as it contains soapy agents and ammonia.  I then gathered up the carcasses, and mopped the floor to destroy the scent trail.

Then I went to have coffee.

When I came back to start the brownies, the ants were back.  Like I’d never killed hundreds of their population!  So I called the office, and started killing ants again.  Maintenance came, sprayed, and the ants subsided.

Then I made brownies.  Brownies with a cream cheese layer and swirls on the top.  Yum!

Then I made cookies.  While I put up shelves that I’d been asking Hubby to put up for some time.  😦

When the cookies were ready for delivery, plated and wrapped, I started to plate the brownies.  The recipe suggested lining the dark metal pan with tinfoil, shiny side out.  GREAT idea to keep the edges from cooking faster than the center, and rising up against the edges.  Brownies look much prettier when they’re flat, I think.

BUT, the  *$%%& cotton picking tinfoil was stuck like glue to the bottom of the brownies.  GLUE I say!!!

I pried carefully.  I put them back into the pan and heated them.  Nothing was working.

Hubby, noting my distress, suggested flipping the whole thing upside down and letting gravity help.  He help the tinfoil while I used the Chef knife to slowly scrape them off the foil.  Finally, I was able to rescue and plate the brownies.


I delivered the whole hot mess order to Mum for her party, only about 3 hours late.  Fortunately, the party was a luncheon today.

When I arrived home Hubby was asleep so I went into the kitchen to fetch a much needed bottle glass of wine.   The ants were still gone from the floor, but now they were on the counter.  And I just didn’t care anymore.

I sat down in the quiet house to relax with my wine and a book.  Suddenly, I heard a strange noise like water running.  In the closet where the AC unit is.

When I pulled open the door, there was about an inch of water on the floor, and the walls were wet about 3-4 inches up.  So, I called maintenance again.

I get the feeling they are tired of hearing from me.

The maintenance guys arrived…again, at 9 PM.  They blew out some hoses, replaced the filter, and threw down some towels to dry the floor.

I mentioned the ants.  Again.  Nicely.  🙂

They went home.  I got the rest of the bottle another glass of wine and went to play WoW while Rat Boy got ready for bed.

This morning, the exterminator came and sprayed the entire house.  So maybe the ants will leave.  Or die.  Not just relocate.

Guess I’m feeling a bit bloodthirsty.

Random Food

It’s been a really busy day.  So I’ll leave you all with a bit of food pr0n.

Since I’ve committed to posting every day.



And dinner.

I’m kinda sad panda they aren’t bigger pics.  But it’s making me hungry anyhow.

Awesome Chocolate Chip Cookies…

Because they are TINY!  Well, not microscopic, but melon ball sized.  Like little bites of heavenly delight!  I can just pop the whole thing into my mouth.  They don’t leave crumbs in the milk either!  😀

I’ve decided I want to play more WoW blog more. Rather than just thinking about doing it, I’m starting right now.  I’m an excellent procrastinator, so I’m going to sign up for the post-a-day challenge.  Y’all please comment and help me stay motivated!  You also get to see more yumtastic food.  😛

And now, back to the cookies!

I want to go eat one now.

Whisk together 2 1/4 cups flour, 1 tsp baking soda, and 1 tsp salt.  Set aside.

Cream together 1 cup butter, 3/4 cup granulated sugar, and 3/4 cup packed brown sugar.  When the mixture is light and fluffy, add 2 eggs and 1 tsp vanilla extract and mix well.

Fold in 1 cup of chopped pecans  and 2 cups chocolate chips.  Drop onto a cookie sheet using a melon baller.

Bake at 350-375F for about 8 – 10 minutes.  Until they look beautifully golden brown and their delicious smell is filling the house.  😛

Cool on the pan for a couple of minutes, then cool completely on a wire rack.

This recipe will make about 120 cookies!  Which is a lot of cookies.

Unless you live with Rat Boy.  In which case it’s enough cookies for about 2 days!

This is only half of them.  I need a bigger plate!  😛

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